Sunday, October 2, 2016

September 2016 Indexing report

Thanks to all you HONEY BEES out there!  Here is the September 2016 Honey Bee Buzz report.

You used to be able to see your "arbitration results" when you opened indexing on your computer.  That feature is no longer available.  However, you should click on the tab "arbitration results" on occasion to see how you are doing.
When you do, it will open a page that gives a list of the recent batches you have been working on and a column to the right that says "Agreement % " for that particular batch.  That is a calculation of how often your records agree with the Arbitrators records.  It is a good idea to click on each batch to see what the differences are between what you entered and what the Arbitrator entered and learn from your mistakes.

Sometimes, you feel you are correct and the arbitrator is wrong.  You have an opportunity to ask that the arbitration be reviewed again.  Don't be timid about doing this if you know you are correct because feed-back is given to the Arbitrators and they learn as well.

There is another statistic given to the Stake Indexing directors that you should know about.  It is a report of "Re-dos"

The following is a chart showing the amount of Re-dos in the Stake.
Each index batch is completed by 2 different people, Person A and Person B.  When an arbitrator opens the batch, the arbitrator will see the batch prepared by Person A side by side with the batch prepared by Person B.  If for example, the arbitrator observes that Person B has not completed the batch or is not indexing the batch correctly, the arbitrator will send the batch back to the system.  If you are Person B, it means that your batch has to be re-done by someone else.  Person B does not get credit for the batch and the stake report will show the total number of Re-Do batches for that person.  The Stake and Ward Group Administrators can use this information to help someone who has a large number of "Re-Dos".

 Unfortunately, you cannot see the number of "Re-Dos" yourself.  If you want to know how many re-dos you have, ask your Ward Group Administrator or get in touch with us.

Here is a link that discusses Re-do batches further:

In the chart above, the Stake has 57 Re-Do "batches" for the month of September which amounts to 0.7% of the total "Records" completed by the Stake.  Records and Batches are not the same thing, but maybe it somewhat shows the rate of re-dos.

However, the Stake goal is that there be 'NO' Re-do batches.  

Here are 2 good links on arbitration.

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